Wednesday, August 8, 2007


So I've been playing this browser MMO for a little over a week now, and all I've got to say is that in one week, I met this guy who has changed my views on people and life forever. His name is John. His life story made me take a step back in time and think of the real problems and situations in life. For awhile, I thought that goth people were quite annoying. But him, he has a real good reason to be goth. For someone who has been stripped of so much in his life and still be standing up, not tall, but living, it's a miracle. He endured so many things in the last two decades of his life. After telling his life story to me, I started thinking about how lucky I was to have my parents and sisters. I began to be grateful for the things I have. I started to understand that some goth people have a good reason to be the way they are. Another way he has changed me is by what he did one night. He asked me to talk to this girl who was feeling sad. So I asked her whats wrong and she told me some stuff that I forgot, so I told her that everything will be alright one day and that she should start striving for a happy ending. As I was telling her, he whispered me and told me that I was filling her with a lot of BS. For a long time now I've been thinking that everything will be alright in the end, but when he told me that, I couldn't tell him "But it's true!" because his life is going down the hills. I couldn't come to say that to him. I just said that it's what I think. I learned that some people have been driven to their last hopes of happiness and is now just sitting around enduring it. Hating a lot of things. It's a sad world out there for most people. But in my heart, I know that you should always strive for a better future even though it looks like it will never come. Everyone will feel sorrow once in their life. So my suggestion to you, is that when you feel sorrow, take it in. Eat it. Envy it. Embrace it.

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