Monday, August 13, 2007


So i'm downloading the game Lunia, trying to atleast. I know some people who play it so i might actually stick to this game, haha. Hopefully. The download is going uber duber slow. I tried downloading it last night but it froze on me and then stopped. Ended with 191MB of it. lol. It's about 700MB. Blergh. This is crazy. I want to play it though, looks fun. -.- Anyways, that's about it for it now. I might edit this post from time to time telling you about my sucky attempts to finish the whole dang download. :)

Edit @1:05AM 081407:
So I tried downloading this game for like, 5 times. And none of them worked. Then i read this FAQ on Ausgamers(or something like that) about how IE download manager can't take on large files. Well, i was using Mozilla download manager and it wouldn't either. So they recommended to download other download managers and use those to download the file. So I downloaded FlashGet and downloaded the game finally. Then Jesse went on with me and showed me some basics that I pretty much already knew. lol. So Lunia is an okay game. I like it how they have episodes but i need to play in full screen cause window mode is hard to see. So yea. I don't think i'll easily get addicted to this game though, lol.

Edit @2:21AM 081807:
So Lunia is actually kinda fun. It has a storyline, unlike most MMORPG's. Which is good. And yea, it's pretty cool. I'm already level 15. :P haha. Episode 2, need to finish that yea. I don't have much to say right now, later! :)

1 comment:

Nathan said...

You seem to be a big RPG player. I am myself and I've cut back recently, but one of my favorites was a free text-based RPG called "Achaea". I also dabbled a little in one called "Trickster Online" that was moderately fun. Just thought you might enjoy some suggestions.

Take care!