Monday, July 30, 2007
So my birthday came and went. For my birthday, all I did was go out to eat for lunch and then ate cake with the family. Made them sing me the birthday song too. ;) lol. Fun birthday eh? Well lately I've been looking for a new username since I wanted to become active in forums. I asked a couple of my friends for advice on what to make, and I ended up making eoki. :) It's pronounced "ee-oh-kee". haha. I think it looks and sounds cute. :) But the problem is that when I Google searched it, it's already been used! :O Oh well, i'm still using it! :D lol.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Long time no write..
Wow, I haven't written here in awhile. Hmm, not much as happened. I've been laying around at home reading most of the day. I finally just finished reading Kaffir Boy. It was...long, and sad. lol. I started playing AnimaRO. I'm soo confused on what to do, lol. I'm just walking around killing stuff. I think I'll get used to it. Also need to make new friends on there too. Just because a game isn't fun without any friends to play it with. But when i walk around, there aren't many people active. It's weird. Anyways...I think i'm going to go play it now. So i'll write in this later. Cya. :)
Friday, July 20, 2007
So bored. -.-
So i haven't done much these past few days. I finally leveled on MapleStory and gave out goodbye presents to my friends but I'm not gone yet. I still have some people I need to talk to. haha. Ermm, I'm bored. -.- I started reading Kaffir Boy. It's interesting. I already wrote 3/4 page of notes. :P Chyea, I'm bored. Went to my sister's friends BBQ earlier today. I cooked my own food and even though they didn't turn out as burnt as everyone else's, it still wasn't that good. Yea..haha. Mmm, I really don't know what else to say now, so bye bye for now. :)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Not much to say nowadays i guess. I think i'm going to stop using the smilies cause i find it annoying how i have to log onto photobucket to retrieve the smilie. So yea, heh. Well, nothing interesting with my life right now, I need to go read Kaffir Boy soon, and do other stuff. All i've been doing lately is watching anime and playing maple. That'd end up being a lame summer, hmm. Well, might as well blog when i have something interesting to say. :D haha.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Dum de dummm
So i haven't updated this thing in awhile, but then again, i don't think people visit. :P So yea, my legs feel better now. I should get back to working out tomorrow, i've been lazy. I finished two of my summer reading books. Chyeaa! I'm hoping to finish my 3rd one before the due date of the books. Hopefully! >.< haha. My birthday is coming up.
I don't know what i'm going to do for my birthday.
Hopefully something fun.
Mmm, i really don't know what else to say right now to be honest, so..have a fun summer everyone!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007
So yesterday I was doing lunges at home and later that day my legs quadriceps starting aching. eckk. Not good.
Today, I had a hard day. It was hard to sit down, hard to sit down on a toilet seat to pee, and hard to get up too. Also to walk around the house. Man, good thing I didn't go to summer school. o.o So yea. Lunges = evil. Okay, that's all that's on my mind. Goodbye. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
So for the past few days I did nothing but play games on my computer and chatter on AIM. lol. Also watched some anime. So it's been all good. I finally got my two books for summer reading. Yaaay, now I just need to read it, lol. I should start today. Hmm, I don't know what I'm doing today. I woke up at 8 today, and it was nice outside so I went for a run. I didn't stay out there for too long. Ran for like, 10 minutes and walked for about 20. :P I know, I suck.
Leave me alone.
I haven't ran in awhile. I should do it more. And then at home I got bored and started doing alot of, gahh, I forget what you call them. So that was pretty much my day so far.
Hmm, I think I'm going to go do something else and then read. Something I really need to do.

Sunday, July 8, 2007
What an interesting day..
I didn't do much all day really. I watched Ice Age 2, I'm taking advantage of our like, what? 2 free months of HBO while I can.
Then my mommy took us to this house that was up for auction. The inside was okay for like, a family of 4, parents and 2 kids, but not for my family I don't believe. It was nice except there was hella little holes in the walls. We decided not to bother auctioning because the starting bid was too much. So after that we went to Target and then back home. I downloaded Trickster again, I haven't played yet. Then we went to drive my sister home and hung out at her apartment for a bit. After that we went home and then went to my cuzzies house and stayed for a bit. Then we came home and I finally got to chatter with Kelly for more than 30 mins, lol.

Saturday, July 7, 2007
Nothing really interesting today..
I got out of bed at like, 12pm today. lol. Laid in bed till noon. Fun huh?
I got up, ate lunch, (no breakfast
) watched the last half of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie. Then my parents, my sisters and I went to go look at houses, the model houses we were about to look at looked like there was no garage and a very small front and back yard. Some houses did not have a garage and the yards were very small. So that pretty much sucked so we didn't bother to look. Then we went to Fry's and looked around there. I found out that me Creative Zen V Plus is now $100.
I hate it when prices drop when items get old.
Then we came back home, laid around, went to go eat dinner with the whole family at 7. It was alright, after that we came home. I started putting in smilies in all of my posts.
Like them? haha. I do. :P

Friday, July 6, 2007
So in the past two days..
I didn't do much. Yesterday I sat around, played Monster&Me all day. It was fun. Most people probably wont like it, it's a very repetitive game. I made two characters, I can't play the other one cause it's just too boring doing everything over again. So I just keep on playing the one I started out with. I made the other character because I like the outfit, in the game, in the game and in the pictures they showed at first were very different. So I played that all day and pretty much sat around the whole day, lol. How fun huh? 
Today was...not so good, heh. This morning some stuff happened I don't want to talk about but it got solved in the end. Hopefully forever... And then my sisters and I went shopping. Went shopping for 5 hours and took 1 hour to get pizza. Omg, there was this pervert staring at me and my sisters when we were waiting for the pizza to be ready. Yuckk. So we were pretty much out the whole day, better than staying in this hot weather at home.
Tonight the weather is very windy. It's nice. I have the window wide open. 

Today was...not so good, heh. This morning some stuff happened I don't want to talk about but it got solved in the end. Hopefully forever... And then my sisters and I went shopping. Went shopping for 5 hours and took 1 hour to get pizza. Omg, there was this pervert staring at me and my sisters when we were waiting for the pizza to be ready. Yuckk. So we were pretty much out the whole day, better than staying in this hot weather at home.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th Of July!!
So this morning I woke up pretty early, and my body was like..seriously not awake. So I laid in bed till like, 11AM. And I got up to brush my teeth and eat. The whole noon I watched TV/got on the computer. Played a couple of games, downloaded Monster & Me. Some people on mmorpg website said it was good, so I downloaded it (they let me use BT!!
). And then I found this website called Gigaget which was supposedly a program to make your downloads go faster, I tried downloading those one hour games and Gigaget didn't seem to work. o.O Weird..anyways. I found out the website that I can download the game Perfect World from. The file is like, 2.2 GB. Crazy. >.> I haven't downloaded it yet but I hella wanna play it. It looks really cool. ^^ I started playing Puzzle Pirates which is a pretty interesting game. I want to know where I can end up at. After all of that my mommy came home and I ate dinner and later we went to watch fireworks at Cal Expo. It was pretty.
Some people were shooting off illegal fireworks at the parking lot we were at. Sounds really ickky when they shoot it off. When we were leaving, omfg, hella traffic. Good thing my mom parked to the side and we got out and walked around and watched this couple fire off firecrackers in the parking lot. Like, an hour later, the car we were behind wasn't even out of the parking lot yet, and we saw people going out the other end of the lot so we decided to go that way. Then we dropped off my auntie and uncle at their house and stayed over for a bit and then came home.
Welps, I'm going to try out Monster & Me, I finished installing it.
Edit: So I tried out Monster & Me, it was so gay.
I forgot my password to it. And I was like "gahh", so I tried to do the forgot password thing but they wouldn't freakin email me my password. So I did the whole security question. And ohmyfriggingawd, I use Mozilla Firefox, and they friggin saved my security question answers.
So whoever uses my computer would see it but that's it. Gahh, so useless! But I finally got on and I haven't made a character yet, I shall do it..later today.
It's 1:57AM now. lol.

Edit: So I tried out Monster & Me, it was so gay.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
So the day before 4th of July...
My parents had a like, early 4th of July party I guess you can call it. It was okay. My cousins came over and I kinda just stayed in my room all day. xD I edited this thing more and I went on maple to just...hang out I guess. I started training at the Camp 1 and chatting, and then my friend Maggie asked me to go Ludibrium PQ with her, so I went on my character that would PQ with her. We didn't get in.
I may go on later to try into parties, going at night is more successful then during the day. lol.
So I went, and we were waiting in this one channel, then like, the stage before they finish someone summons a friggin Balrog. And I was like "whoaa" so stupid me went down to look at it. lol.
And I died.
And I took some screen shots of it too. And then after that I got tired of PQing so I went back on my main character and trained. It got boring, talked to the guild a bit. After all of that I decided to just go outside and hang out with people out there. But then, by then dinner came. So I ate and watched TV the whole night. They left after all of the eating and I came back here, joined a new guild on MapleStory, and then I chatted, took a shower and here I am.
Well in the picture I'm AM333 with the blue outfit and black hat.

New Blog.
So I know I've made a few blogs, but I think I'm going to keep this. Hopefully, I think I said that before but didn't keep to what I said. lol >.>
Edit: So I was on the XML layout thing, and I didn't know it was different from regular HTML layouts. So I tried using layouts from Createblog onto this but it didn't work. I was like "omg.
" And they stated some things that I needed to change so I changed it yet it still wont work. I thought it was the people who made the layout so I thought "Wtf, these people are supposed to make layouts that work!!" Later on I watched this video on someone putting an image in their header, that's when I realized that I was on the XML layout and I needed to switch to the classic CSS one. Gahh, so confusing. So I switched back and made this layout. I was thinking of making my banner a picture I found on Google of wall graffiti but I really liked this flower. Now I feel like my layout is kind of tacky, what do you think? Maybe I should change the background colors..
Edit: So I was on the XML layout thing, and I didn't know it was different from regular HTML layouts. So I tried using layouts from Createblog onto this but it didn't work. I was like "omg.

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